the feminine touch.

An exclusive class to learn self-massage & movement techniques to take care of your body as a woman

Understand and differentiate specific self-massage and movement sequences for certain areas of your body.

Start a journey of self-love and acceptance through whole hand-touching and feeling yourself. Whole-hand touching is coming straight from the heart.

Integrate a 30 Minute self-massage and movement routine into your daily life with the main focus on the jaw, breasts, small intestine & pelvic floor.

Join osteopath and embodiment coach Marie-Sophie Kiepe for a 90-Minute masterclass.

Marie-Sophie is complementary medical practitioner and author, renowned for her steadfast belief in the profound, non-verbal art of healing. Following a knee injury that brought her career as a professional ballet dancer to a halt, Marie-Sophie embarked on a journey of exploration into the body's innate capacity for self-healing.

Throughout her transformative odyssey, she pursued an educational path, attaining a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy, a Master of Science in Osteopathic Medicine, and a Master of Public Health. In addition to her academic pursuits, she holds international licensure as a GYROKINESIS® and GYROTONIC® trainer, offering a global perspective on movement and wellness. Her extensive training also encompasses Tibetan Energywork, Tao-Tantric Healing Arts, Movement Meditation, and the Fascial Distorsion Model, underscoring her commitment to a holistic approach to well-being.

With over 17 years of dedicated service in the field, she has crafted her own therapeutic paradigm: the touch.®, a testament to her unwavering dedication to empowering women of diverse ages and backgrounds in their quest for self-reconnection.

Watch the Masterclass

  • "Touch taught me to respect and love my own body. Allowing to touch my own skin consciously and sensing who I am and what I need.  It was so sensual and there was so much self love during the sessions. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to feel loved.”

    - Olivene Adi

  • “As a companion she helps me to experience my femininity anew, to regain my self-confidence, in the true sense of the word, and to strengthen my voice. Without steering me into spheres that lead me away from reality. And that is Marie-Sophie's magic power. That she doesn't need any supposed supernatural magic. Everything she gives me has a hand and a foot, is comprehensible and understandable.“

    - Katharina Galláde

  • “TOUCH is essential for everyday life. It’s a common tool we can all easily access. Marie-Sophie is the keeper and sharer of a true secret of nature and life. Which has been lost, censored. I highly recommend you to get in touch with her. Even through a computer screen, her sharing and ability to scan your body and guide you is powerful. Thank you dear Marie-Sophie for the precious work you are doing to empower women.”

    - Astan Konate

The idea of creating this masterclass for women stems from a profound desire to share the transformative power of embodied awareness. It's not merely about physical health; it's about a forgotten language that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit: touch. Through this class, I aim to provide women with the tools they need to reconnect with their bodies, understand their unique strengths, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Embodied research has shown me time and again that the body is a reservoir of untapped potential. It holds the key to unlocking emotional resilience, creativity, and a profound sense of self. By integrating osteopathic principles with mindfulness practices, this masterclass offers a unique opportunity to cultivate a deep, nurturing relationship with one's own body.

Through hands-on techniques, guided introspection and specific movement techniques, participants will learn to listen to the subtle whispers of their bodies. They will uncover areas of tension, release stagnant energy, and awaken dormant sources of strength. In doing so, they will not only experience physical relief but also tap into a wellspring of vitality that can permeate every aspect of their lives.

Furthermore, this masterclass is specifically designed for women because I recognize the unique needs and experiences that women navigate. It's a space where we can address issues that are often overlooked or misunderstood (the connection between the jaw and the pelvic floor as well as dysbalances in the whole body which are effecting our hormonal cycle or even the placement of our uterus).

Ultimately, this masterclass is an opportunity to reclaim the narrative of your own body and to step into a life that radiates vitality and purpose. I am excited and honored to be your guide on this empowering path.

And the beauty of crafting holistic self-care routines is that you don’t need much. You have your hands with you.

With love, Marie-Sophie

Touch is at the heart of our essence

Touch is always with us

Our hands are an extension of our heart

We are touch.

This masterclass is for you if you:

  • want to empower yourself through your own touch

  • wish to learn why self-touch is such an important preventive tool for dis-eases and why it is enhancing your health & overall well-being

  • want to learn different types of self-touch for specific systems (lymphatic, fascial system, organs etc.) in your body

  • wish to integrate self-touch into your daily life

  • you want to understand which areas of the body are more prone to develop tension

  • want to learn how to release stagnant energies in your body to create freedom from within

  • wish to reconnect to yourself, your body and in turn to your feminine essence as well as to your intuition


the feminine touch.

Frequently asked Questions


The class is held in English.


90 minutes of teaching plus a 15minutes of Q & A.


The masterclass is for women interested in feeling and understanding their bodies better and beyond in an empowered, blissful, and pleasure filled way. No previous experience are necessary - simply curiosity.


The beautiful side of crafting natural and holistic self-care is that you don’t need much. You have your hands with you. For this class, you will only need a stool and an oil of your preference.


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