Touch is Marie-Sophie Kiepe’s art - the one she lives, and practices, dances and shares. Marie-Sophie is a complementary medical practitioner, and a somatic as well as psychedelic integration coach.

Her fascination is the non-verbal art of healing. She has studied:

Physiotherapy (BSc) European School of Physiotherapy Amsterdam, Netherlands (2005-2008)

Public Health (MPH) Medical University of Vienna, Austria (2008-2010)

Osteopathic Medicine (MSc) Dresden International University, Germany (2011-2016)

She holds international licenses as a GYROKINESIS® and GYROTONIC® trainer, with training in Tibetan Energywork, Movement Meditation, and the Fascial Distorsion Model. Additionally, she incorporates trauma-informed care into her approach and is a student of Tao-Tantric arts.

Her mission is to support people of all age and background on their path of reconnecting with themselves. 

Holistically. Sensually.

Since a knee injury prevented Marie-Sophie from continuing her career as a professional ballet dancer, she has been exploring the intrinsic tendency of the human body to heal itself. Along that way, she treated dancers from the Vienna State Opera (2008-2010), National Sodre Montevideo (2010-2011) and the Berlin State Ballet (2011-2019) for many years. She then worked at the Nierika Medicine Institute in Mexico (2016) to accompany people in deep transformative healing. 

Together with specialists from the Charité Berlin, she has written fundamental scientific research papers on: the effects of dance therapy (2012) in curing somatic and mental illness and the treatment method osteopathy for musicians (2020).

Drawing on all this experience, Marie-Sophie has created her own therapeutic concept: the touch.(R) She combines osteopathic techniques, energy alignment and physical movement and works with dance elements, sound and vocals. 

Her intention is to let her patients and clients experience their senses while guiding them to get in touch with their own body, their feelings and - eventually - with themselves. 

Physicality is inner experience, connection to oneself and to all that is around us. Physicality is a beautiful way of self-healing the physical and emotional body.

Marie-Sophie combines the complexity of different therapeutic approaches, schools, and above all: her experience. Her work encompasses all five senses of her clients, yet focussing on the touch.



Touch is the original form of
human communication. 
The expression of the inner self. 
And the language of humanity. 

Marie-Sophie Kiepe


As a committed therapist and coach, Marie-Sophie guides you to get back in touch with yourself through:

  • 1:1 mentorship and treatments for women

  • Online guided live sessions: the touch.(R) - an intimate container for women to learn how to release stored emotions in the connective tissue

  • Tailored masterclass crafted to provide specialized knowledge

  • Self-paced videos: UNWIND - designed to bring you back in touch with yourself, feeling at ease within your body and mind and enhancing clear decision-making in your everyday life

  • Educative workshops and lectures at various health institutions/ universities

  • Transformative experiences > Voice of the Womb(R) < in collaboration with diverse healing artists and professionals, to raise awareness about the female read body in medicine/ society and how nature affects our healing capacities


Marie-Sophie’s specialized skills set, years of experience and her holistic approach find their way into press outlets. Are you a member of the press and would like to contact Marie-Sophie for an article or interview? Please feel free to contact her directly through the contact page.



Wenn nach dem Absetzen der Pille die normale Regelblutung wieder einsetzt, kann dies mit Schmerzen verbunden sein, die während der Einnahme der Antibabypille vielleicht jahrelang unterdrückt wurden. Auch PMS-Beschwerden können wieder stärker spürbar sein. Darüber, wie man diesen unliebsamen Begleiterscheinungen… 
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Die Osteopathin Marie Sophie Kiepe zeigt uns im Video eine Übung die gegen das Prämenstruelle Syndrom helfen soll. Dann sind vielleicht die Schmerzen besser die systematische Diskriminierung findet aber immer noch statt.

Übrigens: Bauchkämpfe, Kopfschmerzen oder Durchfall sind kein Luxus – die Periode auch nicht!… 
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One Oneness

“it fascinates me tremendously how important touch is to us, humans.
The sense of touch is the first thing we develop embryonically. We dance around in the womb, we feel this space and know. Here i am. And there is my outside.” 
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Soulbase Magazine

2nd Print Issue/ Interview with Marie-Sophie Kiepe 
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Ich kann nur sagen, auf zu Marie zum GYROKINESIS® Training in Berlin Mitte. Denn GYROKINESIS® ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, den Körper und Geist durch einfache Übungen in Einklang zu bringen. Es sorgt für eine innerliche Aufrichtung. Erfunden wurde es von dem Tänzer Juliu Horvath, der auch für Gyrotonic, die Variante mit Geräten verantwortlich ist… 
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Personality Mag

Marie-Sophie Kiepe ist komplementärmedizinische Praktikerin. Ganz Berlin lässt sich von ihr behandeln. Wir wollten von ihr wissen, warum Bewegung so wichtig ist für Selbstfürsorge ist.
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InreesTV (documentary in french)

Corps Sacré
Watch more here

Yoga Strong with Bonnie Weeks

Podcast no. 125 - Voice of the Womb with Marie Sophie

In this podcast, we talk about healthy boundaries, the heart axis, being taught to ground ourselves, the effects of dance and how we talk ourselves into softness.
Listen to the podcast here

Dynamic Stillness - der Osteopathie Podcast


In Folge # 8 des Dynamic Stillness Podcast hosted by Stefan Rieth,Msc.Ost., D.O., gibt uns die Osteopathin des Berliner Staatsballetts, Marie Sophie Kiepe exklusive Einblicke… 
Listen to the podcast here

Sanftmut Podcast

Interview Marie Sophie Kiepe – die Faszination der nonverbalen Heilkunst

Im Interview erfährst du von Marie-Sophie was Ballett mit ihrem Weg zu The Touch zu tun hat – ihre Stationen und Erlebenisse auf ihrer Reise zu ihrer Berufung, welche Themen aus der Frauenheilkunde gerade sehr aktuell sind und wofür sie sich einsetzt sowie welche Rolle der Körper für dein ganzheitliches Wohlbefinden spielt und was nonverbale Heilkunst bedeutet und wie du sie für dich nutzen kannst… 
Listen to the podcast here

The Kyoo

Podcast #12 – Osteopathin Marie-Sophie Kiepe spricht über ihre Berufung und Erfahrung als „Holistic Body Therapist & Well Being Creator“

Sie lässt uns teilhaben an ihrem Wissen aus den unterschiedlichsten Quellen und Praktiken. Was eigentlich genau bedeutet Osteopathie? Wobei kann Osteopathie uns in unserer Heilung am besten unterstützen?… 
Listen to the podcast here

Soulfood Podcast

In der heutigen Folge dreht sich alles um das Thema komplementäre Medizin und Osteopathie, wie wir mit diesen Methoden unseren Körper in seinem Prozess der Heilung unterstützen können.
Listen to the podcast here

Die Kunst du selbst zu sein

Sie spricht über ihr neuestes Projekt Voice of the Womb und wie sie Frauen damit hilft in ihre eigene Kraft zu kommen und die eigene Stimme zu nutzen.
Listen to the podcast here


Marie-Sophie speaks, educates and teaches workshops at institutions like the University of Applied Science in Zurich, Switzerland, European Congress for Integrative Medicine, Charité Medical University Berlin, Germany, Congresses for Dance Medicine as well as at various Yoga/Health Institutes. To express your interest please contact her directly through the contact page.


Guest lecturer at the University of Applied Science. Field: Psychology Zurich, Switzerland


Kiepe et al. (2020) Effects of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Musicians: A Systematic Review.

Journal: Medical Problems of Performing Artists


Guest Speaker at the European Congress for Integrative Medicine. Ljubljana, Slovenia


Kiepe et al. (2012) Effects of Dance Therapy and Ballroom Dance on Physical and Mental illnesses: A Systematic Review.

Journal: The Arts in Psychotherapy


Guest Speaker at the European Congress for Integrative Medicine. Berlin, Germany

Guest Lecturer at the Congress for Dance Medicine.
Berlin, Germany


Guest Lecturer at the Congress at Impuls Tanz International Dance Festival.
Vienna, Austria